Attention parents with small children – I always come across these plastic receptacle plugs that prevent children from sticking objects into the slots. What’s interesting to note is that if your home is newer and the receptacles have TR embossed on the front that means they are tamper resistant. Tamper resistant receptacles were designed help prevent children from getting an electrical shock. This does not mean that it’s impossible to stick objects into the slots and get a shock but it makes it very difficult. There is actually little plastics pieces inside the slots that must both be engaged to open and allow an object through. To be totally safe the plastic plugs are your best bet but it is nice to know there is added safety features in your home just in case. I can remember getting shocked quite a few times when I was kid and because of that always keep the little ones in mind during a inspection. #safety #safetyfirst #child #parents #info #didyouknow #homeinspector #enginspections